StepsWeb will tell you everything you need to know about individual users.
For any selected time-period, you will be able to see and print a profile which gives you:
You will be informed of your student’s accuracy for:
You’ll also be able to see test results and any certificates gained by the student.
Students can be put into any number of classes or groups. This enables you to see at a glance where every student is in the Course.
You’ll be able to click on any one of these individual squares to see the background detail.
As a class teacher or specialist tutor, you can set your own criteria for usage and accuracy. The Class Accuracy Report will show you any students who are not reading the accuracy criteria.
You’ll also see at a glance which students aren’t meeting your usage criteria or haven’t completed assigned work.
When a new learner goes onto StepsWeb for the first time, they will normally take a Spelling/Placement Test, which will give you a spelling age and also put the learner automatically onto the right level of the structured literacy Course.
The B version of the test can be re-set later to check on progress.
StepsWeb also includes a unique test which measures how many milliseconds it takes a learner to visually recognise a known word.
This is an indicator of whether the learner can utilize the Visual Word Form Area of the left hemisphere of the brain. This shows whether the learner is still reliant on conscious decoding strategies or has reached the stage of genuine reading fluency.