What makes us different

What makes us different


Colourful wheel of literacy knowledge, processing skills and cognitive efficiency

Specialist approach for non-specialists

StepsWeb stands out because it works on many levels.

Research shows the need for a structured approach to literacy – particularly with struggling learners.

However, this alone will not work effectively with all learners because some need specific help to develop the necessary processing skills.

There is no point teaching a learner which letter goes with which sound, if the learner can’t process (accurately identify) that sound in the first place.

Likewise, developing new skills and knowledge requires an understanding of strategies to process and retain information effectively.  This is one of the reasons why the ‘more of the same’ approach doesn’t work with dyslexic learners.

“I cannot praise this program highly enough. My students love it and are making great progress - they love it as much as I do!”

Chris Skrzypko – St George Preca Catholic school

A more effective approach

The most effective approach is to develop the underlying processing skills at the same time as teaching the literacy knowledge.

StepsWeb does this by ensuring that learners see and use each word in a variety of contexts.  They will learn to:

  • Decode the word confidently.
  • Orthographically map the word.
  • Instantly recognise the word without conscious decoding.
  • Read the word in context.
  • Spell the word.
  • Break the word into individual phonemes.
  • Match the word with its definition.
  • Type or write the word in a variety of contexts.
  • Use the word in a variety of memory activities.

StepsWeb Learning Map

StepsWeb Learning Map

Phonological Awareness
Key skills integrated throughout the course.
Phonic Knowledge
New patterns explicitly taught and then practised in a variety of ways.
Reading Fluency
Specific activities develop genuine reading fluency.
Each word is seen and used in context in a variety of ways.
The meaning of the word is fully understood and practised.

The importance of reinforcement and structure

Reinforcement is often the deciding factor in success for dyslexic and other struggling learners.

Research shows that dyslexic and other struggling learners need significantly more reinforcement. 

The structure of the StepsWeb Course means that the learner sees and uses every word, word family or phonic pattern in a variety of ways.

In addition, after every 4 units, StepsWeb automatically analyses each learner's errors and creates individualised reinforcement for that learner - online and printable.

StepsWeb engaging phonics and reading comprehension activities on laptops
Provide reinforcement in a fun and engaging way.

Words (particularly high frequency or irregular words) are introduced as individual words and in sentences. They are incorporated into games and re-introduced again and again until the learner is completely confident with them.

Workbooks, printable worksheets and hands-on resources are also recommended for struggling learners.

Create a feeling of success!

Give your students the motivation they need to succeed.

All students benefit from being rewarded for their efforts.  Positive reinforcement can also be an incredible motivator, especially for your dyslexic and struggling students. 

Some of our teachers’ favourite aspects about StepsWeb are the certificates and medals which are rewarded to students as they successfully complete levels and activities.  Transform your most reluctant learners into enthusiastic ones.

What do educators and parents think of StepsWeb?

Mrs J, Darfield

“I can honestly say that StepsWeb forms the backbone of my literacy teaching. 

It brings together and refines some of the best literacy teaching and learning strategies that I have encountered during my time in the classroom and at university undertaking professional development. 

The technical support provided is outstanding. The program is challenging, user- friendly and effective – and kids love it!”

Denise, Maungawhau School

“The programme is very comprehensive and helps to fill the gaps identified in psych reports, e.g. memory and processing difficulties – without us having to buy a range of different software and specialist services.

It is incredibly user-friendly and it is easy to closely monitor students’ progress and particular areas of strength and need, and to tailor it to meet those specific needs.”

Richard Clark, Parent

“The girls loved StepsWeb last night. Our eldest daughter had to be dragged away from the computer to have dinner and was very proud of her gold and silver medals.

She also liked the idea of being able to bring home words from school that she is focussing on and adding them to the program.

Our younger daughter was watching over her shoulder and has booked in her turn after school today. It is great when they are so keen to learn.”

How does it work?

You’ve seen what makes us different, but how does StepsWeb work?  Find out how learners progress through the StepsWeb Course.

For your Whole School

StepsWeb is a popular solution for whole school use. Offering an adaptive literacy progression which caters to all learners, from remedial to extension. 

Structured Literacy

The StepsWeb Course follows a structured, research-based progression that develops the underlying processing skills at the same time as developing literacy knowledge.