English Language Learners


StepsWeb can be used with learners of English as a second language, or with learners who have particular language or comprehension problems.

It is currently being used by:

  • ESL teachers in schools.
  • English language schools.
  • Speech/language therapists.
  • Migrant organisations (donated).

“We have started using Steps at our Auckland-based language school with great success. We have noticed immediate improvement in the areas of literacy and vocabulary retention by our Saudi Arabian students. The students are engaged, motivated, challenged and looking for more!”

Paul O’Farrell, Manager CCEL Auckland Campus
Jigsaw - associations

Language Learning Aspects

StepsWeb has a structured approach to the English language. As well as the core reading and spelling skills, StepsWeb will develop aspects such as:

  • Reading and listening comprehension.
  • Vocabulary.
  • An understand of syntax and grammar.
  • Verbal reasoning.

StepsWeb includes banks of topic words. This includes:

  • Words needed for filling in forms.
  • Everyday topics - transport, house vocabulary, school/work vocabulary, sports and many more.
Environment activity 1

It’s also easy to add and record your own words, sentences and definitions. You can even import pictures.