Tracking Achievement

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Parent Information

StepsWeb will tell you everything you need to know about your child’s progress.

For any selected time-period, you will be able to see and print a profile which gives you:

  • How many medals have been achieved.
  • Accuracy for reading/spelling, comprehension/language and phonic skills.
  • Detailed logs, including every error made.




When your child first goes onto the programme, they will usually do a Spelling/Placement Test, which will put them onto the right level of the structured Course and give you a current Spelling Age.

This test can be re-set to check progress.

There is also a test which measures visual recognition speed, which is linked with reading fluency.  This test is not a default test, but can be set if required.

You’ll find more information about these tests here:

Some parents, particularly home schoolers, want the same level of detailed information as teachers.  However, in most cases, it’s not necessary to monitor your child’s learning in this much detail.  StepsWeb is very intuitive for parents.  It  will regularly analyse your child’s progress and create individualized reinforcement for them.

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Student Information

It’s really important that students can also see their progress and achievements – particularly for those who have been struggling.

Students can earn bronze, silver and gold medals for activities and will also earn a certificate for completing each Level.


“My son has just started using StepsWeb at school.  He came home bubbling with excitement.  He can’t believe he’s earning gold medals – he was getting so demoralized before!  Now he keeps wanting to go onto the programme again to upgrade medals so they’re all gold!”   


Annette Baucher, Parent




Students earn a Bronze, Silver or Gold Medal for each activity.  

Bronze medals are awarded quite generously, so that learners stay motivated.  However, they’re encouraged to go back and upgrade to Silver or Gold, which will then appear on their certificates.

Medals are extremely popular – even with older learners!  See the testimonial below!

“Surprisingly, those gold medals give a lot of kudos. I wish you could see some of our potential farmers as they jump up in the air with a triumphant yell to announce: “I’ve got a gold medal – look!” The bronze and silver medals also provide an intrinsic incentive to do better, especially for young lads with a competitive nature.”

Lorraine Moffatt – Tutor,  Telford Rural Academy

Certificate 1-1


Certificates are earned when students have completed each Level of the main literacy Course.

These include the number of medals achieved on that Level.