Are you looking for a practical, research-based solution to your students’ literacy and comprehension challenges? Imagine an online tool that can significantly boost literacy levels with just 30 minutes a week. Join Ros Lugg, founder of StepsWeb and literacy expert, as she delves into the issues teachers face today and offers actionable strategies to bridge the literacy gap in middle and secondary schools.
Are you looking for a practical, research-based solution to your students’ literacy and comprehension challenges? Imagine an online tool that can significantly boost literacy levels with just 30 minutes a week. Join Ros Lugg, founder of StepsWeb and literacy expert, as she delves into the issues teachers face today and offers actionable strategies to bridge the literacy gap in intermediate and high schools.
This 3-part series aims to show you how to get the most out of using StepsWeb while teaching remotely. It was created as a prompt response to the New Zealand Level 4 lockdowns that occured in 2021.